About me
I am Zhicheng Jiang from China, an undergraduate student in MIT Class of 2028, planning to double major in Math and Computer Science(6&18). My CV can be found here.
Having had a prepraratory year at Tsinghua University, I have developed basic understandings and strong interests in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. I am especially interested in designing algorithms and models that can solve real-world problems by formulating human intuition and experience to mathematical form. I did IMO in high school and I am also interested in AI4Math, or more generally, how to let AI think.
I am looking forward to gaining more experience and contributing to the field. I am open to anyone who shares the same interests with me to discuss interesting thoughts or collaborate together on some projects. Now, I have had the previlege to work with Kaiming He to explore the world of generative models.
Besides academics, I also like playing table tennis and badminton, and all kinds of strategy games. I am always welcome to make new friends and have fun together!